Giesel Engineering

.NET Expert // Microsoft MVP

Hello there! I'm Steven Giesel, a software engineer from the heart of Zurich. I am Microsoft MVP in Developer technologies with over 11+ years of professional experience in the .NET area. I am one of the two maintainers of bUnit, the unit testing library for Blazor components.I support customers in building fast and reliable (web) applications. If you want to see more of my work you can check out my GitHub profile or my blog.

Profile picture Microsoft MVP Badge
Swiss Digital Services


Success in the digital realm is built on a foundation of expertise and collaboration. Dive into a range of services tailored to ensure your projects not only meet but exceed expectations, all underpinned by .NET proficiency.

You are looking for a .NET Framework to .NET 8 Migration?


In the dynamic world of .NET, staying updated is crucial. I not only keep pace with the latest advancements but also infuse them into my work. This ensures you receive a product that's cutting-edge, reliable, and tailored for the future.


Leverage my extensive .NET and Blazor expertise. Get insights, best practices, and solutions for your challenges.

You need someone reviewing your code? Or someone checking for the performance bottleneck of your application?

.NET Courses

In-depth .NET courses for beginners and advanced developers. Learn how to build fast and reliable applications with .NET.

You are interested in Blazor and want to get hands-on experience? You want to bring your ASP.NET Core skills to the next level? Just contact me!

Recent work

Big Swiss Private Bank - Visualization Software for complex business processes
Julius Baer - Digital Advisory Suite
bUnit - Unit Testing library for Blazor components
Unit Testing

.NET Framework to .NET 8 Migration Service

You are looking for a reliable partner to help you migrate your .NET Framework applications to .NET 8?

Migrating your .NET Framework applications to .NET 8 is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of both technologies. I outline my approach to the general approach in my blog post article: .NET Framework 4.8 to .NET 6 migration.

I conceptualized and implemented the migration of a large .NET Framework 4.8 application to .NET 6 in multiple projects. That is why I am confident that I can help you with your migration project.

.NET Framework to .NET 8 Migration

Depending on your needs, we will sit together and look at the current situation of your application. We will then define the next steps and create a roadmap for the migration. We will discuss the different options and decide on the best approach for your application.

What's in the box?

Introduction Call

Concept for the Migration tailored to your needs

Co-Driver or Driver of the Migration

Upcoming events & workshops

Basta! Fall 2024 - 'Full-Stack-Web-Applications mit Angular, Nx und .NET' 16/09/2024 Workshop
.NET Day Switzerland 2024 - From Task.Run to Task.WhenAll: The Good, The Bad, and The Async 27/08/2024 Talk
Developer Week 2024 - C# Lowering 02/07/2024 Talk


Successful products are not created alone! In today's interconnected digital landscape, collaboration and synergy are at the heart of groundbreaking projects. I've established robust partnerships with some of the finest talents across Europe. So, if your project demands scaling or multifaceted expertise - we have the collective muscle to power it.

Offering Solutions


Microsoft MVP | Google Developer Expert

Looking for leveling up your Angular experience? Look no further - Fabian Gosebrink, from Offering Solutions can help you elevate your Angular skills to the next level - tailor-made to your needs and problems you face.